Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New Projects...

So. These are what I've been working on lately. Just for fun.

Working on my Star Wars adaptations of these various movie favorites (or guilty pleasures as the case may be). The covers are for my inspiration, done in the classic Star Wars D6 module format that I love so much. The interiors will likewise be a homage to West End Games design. Hopefully, folks will know what movies these covers are referencing. But if you don't I'll comment later.


  1. NICE! So when you say "interiors" are you working up modules as well?

  2. Yup yup. Working up full module write-ups of the above. Some are much further along than others. I expect 'Adventures in the Fobidden Zone' (aka Spacehunter) and 'The Destruction of Jared-Syn) (aka Metalstorm) to be the first.

  3. Sweet! I look forward to the finished product(s). Is it cool to post these images and link back to your blog?

  4. Very, very impressive. Definitely going to give you a shout out over on my blog.

    West End Games, Star Wars D6 - The first and still the best Star Wars RPG ever made. Keep the faith.

  5. Thanks, Barking Alien, I'll try to post updates as I actually finish the 'guts' of these adventures.

  6. I have been sternly warned to start reading your blog, looks like it was the right thing to do!


  7. Looks very nice, I've only watched a few of those, though I do have a soft spot for the Roger Corman 'Magnificent 7 in space' effort.

    Where did you find that picture for the Forbidden Planet cover?

    1. I've posted a mention of this little project to I used to reveiw there at one time. What I've seen of the one you're working on at the moment I might take back to it again.

  8. Oh these are so sweet! Very nicely done my friend. Very Cool stuff to be sure.

  9. @Graham: I found an old Forbidden Planet movie poster (the background), then took a concept Star Wars sketch and retouched it in photoshop to the same kind of 'brush' style, then composited the two.

  10. As a HUGE fan of cult flicks, I very, very desperately WANT.

    Thank you, just for making them in the first place. Brilliant.

  11. Hi,

    I was just wondering how things are coming along as I'm very much looking forward to reviewing the first adventure.
