Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Characters (Continued)

The following characters wandered in and out of the campaign at various times (and still do)

Starstalker (played by Troy)

Character Sketch:
Female bounty hunter. Easily the most 'mercenary' of the group. 

Memorable Moments:
Starstalker wasn't a particularly active member in the group, and unfortunately, the only story I remember about her was the time one of the team substituted a depilatory cream for her shampoo.

Yelstain Keete (played by Todd—no, not the same Todd as earlier)

Character Sketch:
Yelsainian force adept. Started out as a partner to Hugganut, but fell out of the campaign soon after.

Memorable Moments:
The only one that comes to mind is the time he wanted to put his lightsaber to the back of a poor Imperial Technician's chair and turn it on. I'm not sure he had a good grasp on the whole light-side, dark-side thing.

Jared (played by Doyce)

Character Sketch:
Another Yelsainian force adept—but one with a much better grip on the lightside vs. darkside thing. Floated in and out of the campaign at various times.

Memorable Moments:
Jared loved telekinesis. I mean he REALLY loved telekinesis. Many of his hard-won experience points were funneled into his Alter power while his Control power sat dormant at about 1 or 2D. Thus, he was kind of like a force wrecking ball—culminating in the scene where, to break out of a holding cell, he applied several metric tons of force to just blow an entire wall down. Oh, and then there was the time he tried to 'disbelieve' a very potent force illusion (the Domain of Evil adventure) only to seemingly get his arm torn off by a Rancor. At which point, he suddenly believed the illusion and almost blew himself up with the Thermal Detonator he always carried, trying to sacrifice his life for the greater good.

Syril Vanus (played by Lee)

Character Sketch:
Failed Jedi. Was a dark and quirky character. Soft spoken but gruff. Sometimes benign, but with 'issues' boiling beneath the surface (centered around something Darth Vader had done to him in his past). 

Memorable Moments: 
The one that stands out for me is when, during a time-travel adventure, Vanus (and his player) were seriously contemplating trying to kill Anakin Skywalker (whom the group met briefly) before he could become Darth Vader. 

Brandig (played by Matt)

Character Sketch:
An ex soldier/scout (or at least that's what I remember of his background). Not a surprising background considering his player was a soldier/scout in real life.

Memorable Moments:
Alas, most of Brandig's memorable moments were performed out of character, by his player. And those moments probably shouldn't be repeated here (trying to keep a PG-13 rating).

Character Name:
Martell (played by Mark, my buddy from High-School during the short time he was the same college I was)

Character Type:
Ex-bounty hunter turned rebel commando. Had a love for Zeltronian women and tiny, ferocious pets.

Memorable Moments:
Martell was a catalyst for quite a few memorable moments. It was he who put the nair in Starstalker's Shampoo. It was he who kept a pet dinko in a sealed box, much to the chagrin of an Imperial Customs inspector (though in fairness, Martell DID tell him not to open the box). But I believe that Martell's most memorable moment was when he and Rick Oman went awol from the main group, pursuing their own tangent investigation of the mission—a tangent that eventually led them to speeder-jacking the star wars equivalent of a corvette.

There were other vermillionites who came in and out of the campaign, but I can't really remember much about them, they were played by 'Mike The Hat' and Keenen (as I recall).

Now, the Final two characters in this list get a special place, because they weren't part of the original Vermillion crew, but have since played in several sessions with the group during our post-college gatherings. Plus, I ran an online campaign with Adren for years.

Character Name:
Adren Olin (played by Sharon)

Character Sketch:
Smuggler turned rebel agent turned reluctant Jedi Knight. She has a problem with certain authority figures. She idolizes Han Solo. She likes Wookiees, and taking long walks on the beach. She discovered during the course of play that she was the long lost grand-daughter of Lady Santhe (of Santhe Seinar Technologies) and she's made a name for herself in the swoop racing circuit.

Memorable Moments:
Many many in our online campaign. One that stands out is her horribly failed con attempt ("Negative, negative, the... people..."). Another is her fighter training with Han Solo, which became one of those rare moments where roleplay and dice rolls were completely in tune. Her introduction to the Vermillion group was quite memorable, too—she wound up punching Arianne in the face. That pretty much set the tone for their IC relationship.

Character Name(s):
Otto and Shagg (played by Philip)

Character Sketch(es):
Otto was the closest thing the group had to an 'evil' guy, though not in a specifically intentional way. Otto was just incredibly pragmatic and callous in regards to people he considered 'the enemy'. Torture was not something he shied away from to get information. In keeping with the group's overall 'good guy' tone (and increasing focus on force-user types), Otto was eventually replaced by Shagg, a young Wookiee padawan with a strong sense of honor and incredible skill with his lightsaber-weaponry.

Memorable Moments:
Otto's 'shocking' behavior was memorable—especially for such a squeaky-clean group as this. I also remember the time where his player first discovered just how good his character was with a blade, dispatching four Imperial soldiers in a confined space in just five seconds. Shagg, though a stalwart new addition to the crew, hasn't really had the chance to create 'his moment' yet.

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